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zoe & the beatles

just a twenty-something vegan navigating healthy, positive living with a little help from her friends john, paul, ringo & george!

good morning bloggies πŸ™‚ sleep well? hope so!

i set my alarm for seven with the intention to run but woke up around 6:30 and turned it off. my legs are tired so i LISTENED TO MY BODY and decided to give them the day off. tomorrow i’ll run. i won’t die. i won’t get “fat” if i take a day off. my body will appreciate me, if anything. so i went back to sleep and slept super well till about 8:20.

regardless, i knew this morning was going to be a GOOD one! mainly because i planned to make…ANGELA’S BANANA SOFT SERVE VEGAN OVER NIGHT OATS! omggggg words cannot describe. it’s SO good! the banana soft serve recipe comes from another one of my favorite bloggers, gena, of choosing raw. i’ve made each recipe separately before and LOVE them. so when i decided to take angela’s cue and marry them together…well, let’s just say i am in heaven right about now!

my overnight oats contained:
1/3 cup rolled oats
1 T chia seeds
3/4 cup water (totes outta almond milk :()
1 T carob powder
half a small nanner
dash of cinnamon

mixed all of it together and threw it in the fridge overnight to marinate πŸ˜‰

woke up super pumped this morning, made the nanner soft serve and BAM! this happened:


one more shot just to convince you:

i topped mine with another dash of cinnamon (i might have a love affair with this spice) and some unsweetened coconut!

yeah. i took this thing OUT! delicioooous. angela makes so many different variations, too! if you’re not a follower of her blog i HIGHLY recommend it. lady makes some mean recipes πŸ™‚

anywho yesterday posting for away from me. i woke up slow, did an hour of yoga. planned a 5 mile run, planned being the operative word there. i got to the gym and my legs were a little tired but i figured i could chug through it. about two miles in a realized how RIDICULOUSLY sweaty i was. i was WORKIN’! and i was tired. SO, in going with listening to my body, i called it quits at mile three and had a massive stretch session. it felt good. i ran the first two miles at a 6.2 pace and the last at a 1% incline ranging between a 6.2-7.0 pace. good, solid work out. GLAD I LISTENED TO MY BODY!

my eats were boring. i am severely low on groceries. but candace made this delicious little number!

roasted broccoli, orange bell pepper, cucumber on top of some brown rice tossed with some soy sauce. she topped it with jarelsberg cheese. it’s in the swiss family and AWESOME. but since i’m really truly attempting this vegan thing, i would of done with out the cheese.

anywho, gots to head off to class! getting my final short story critiqued today! bleh, hate critiques. have a good one lovely bloggies πŸ™‚

